Time zone
Becej and Serbia are located in the Central European Time Zone – GMT +1; or GMT +2 from the last week in the third month to the Saturday before the last week in the tenth month.
In Serbia, the official means of payment is the dinar, marked RSD.
You can exchange money at all banks and post offices, as well as at authorized exchange offices.
Metal euros cannot be changed.
The dinar is issued in denominations of 10/20/50/100/200/500/1000/2000/5000.
You can check the valid exchange rate at the address of the National Bank www.nbs.rs.
Public and city transport
Becej’s public and city transport is provided through a network of bus lines, for which the carrier “Becejprevoz” is in charge. You can see all the information on the website:
Contact: 021/69 11 060
Parking service
As in all cities, including Becej, there is a service in charge of parking spaces. In this case, it is PE “Komunalac”. Telephone number of the parking service: 021/69 15 714.
Parking zone in Becej:
- Central zone: From 07:00 to 19:00, Saturday from 07:00 to 12:00 (30 din / hour) – number: 8521
- Daily ticket for the central zone (120 din) – number: 8522
- Health Center, contact: 021/69 12 660
- Higija Tripolszki, contact: 021/69 10 710
- BENU pharmacy, contact: 021/69 10 342
- Galen pharm, contact: 021/69 12 874
- Lilly drugstore, contact: 021/69 19 812
Bečej Health Center
- Contact: 021/ 69 12 660
- Ambulance: 194
Becej Police Station
- Contact: 021/ 69 11 080
- Police: 192
Municipal Fire Brigade Becej
- Contact: 021/ 69 13 169
- Firefighters: 193
Monday – Friday › 8:00h – 15:00h
Saturday › 8:00h – 13:00h
Sunday › Closed